How to configure Dosbox-x for playing old DOS games.
Make sure you have Dosbox-x installed.
Create a new folder called dosbox-x in your Linux home folder. That will become drive C in Dosbox-x to store your old DOS games
Then run the command : dosbox-x -printconf
This will create a configuration file
Note where the new configuration is located.
This is on Linux by default ~/.config/dosbox-x/dosbox-x-VERSION.conf where VERSION is the Dosbox-x version that you have installed.
Open that configuration file with your favorite text editor
Put the following on a new line :
[autoexec]mount c ~/dosbox-x
Now you can copy old DOS games (Search for abandonware with a search engine) into the folder dosbox-x and then start Dosbox-x. It should bring you to the C drive where you can start your old DOS games